Monday 21 May 2012

Change Windows Boot Animation

Are you bored with the same windows 7 boot animation where 4 light spheres come and join to make the windows logo ?

Well i was . Then i searched many places to change the boot animation. Then I found a software on the net that can change the boot animation to anything you want. The software's name is Win7bootupdater. This software will change the boot animation very easily. All you have to do is cut a video loop that you want to display during booting. The video must be of maximum 105 frames long. Then output the cut video loop in jpg images in a folder. Then run the program. Select animation from the drop down menu under animation.Then select all the jpg sequential images. And the animation should be loaded. Remember the animation is a loop one and the looping starts from 60th frame. So cut your video accordingly !!! The link to the file :

***If anyone wants a cool boot animation but cannot make one request me in the comment.. i will make one for you and upload it here !!! Have fun !!! ***

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