Friday 18 May 2012

How To Get Online Protection

Internet, which was invented to simplify lives of people with its instant approach and quick service delivery, now seems to be troubling them. The internet savvy users, venturing into cyberspace, on a lookout for information and prompt services, are now whining about the thriving security threats.
With threats thronging out in the World Wide Web and rising dependence on internet to fulfill the info needs, it gets almost indispensable for a user to acquire a protection mechanism which minimizes risks and capitalizes individual efforts. Let’s go through some quick conducts to check such risks online:

1.      Get Security Software
A simple security program can protect your computer from viruses, malware, and spywares. You don’t have to shell out your money for better security. Free antivirus software like Avira Free Antivirus or AVG Anti-Virus may just work fine for your computer. Experts recommend procuring a number of free cyber-protection tools instead of getting just one. Also, get a firewall.

2.      Smart passwords
Use passwords that are difficult for cyber-criminals to guess. Use lengthy passwords with combination of symbols and numbers for different accounts. Change your passwords more often. Even the software giant Microsoft recommends changing passwords every three months.

3.      Get cagey of WiFi
Using Public WiFi is convenient, but it’s not certainly the safest. Accessing work email, bank accounts or your social accounts may put your privacy under question, while using free WiFi. Enhance your security by logging into secure sites with web addresses starting with “https”.

4.      Be careful while clicking:
Spam emails can subterfuge as mails from your colleagues or businesses. Don’t click on suspicious links in spam emails as they could be a ‘phishing attack’. Type the website address in a separate browser window in case you wish to check the account. Also do not respond to emails promising to send free gifts won by you, seeking your personal information like Address, Bank Account no., passwords, etc.

5.      Evaluate the risks
Know how your information is being used while surfing online. Learn how the World Wide Web tracks you and use the data. Is your current geographical location visible on your Social Networking accounts? Look for steps to hide it.

6.      Remove your trails
Browsing privately gives user the peace of mind that his information is safe. Put your web browser in ‘Private Mode’. Doing so clears the history and cookies automatically. But the websites visited by you may still know your identity. Using updated versions of search engines like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, can further restrict the entry of spywares and malwares into your computer systems.

7.      Intellectual Thinking
Understand the threats.  Don’t click and download frantically. Keep your phones password-protected. Don’t reveal your full name, date of birth, family members’ maiden names, Social Security number and other private information on social networking sites.

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